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Two Delicious Ethiopian Dishes to Try
Those tired of eating the same old thing have been trying cuisines like Ethiopian cuisine. This often misunderstood cuisine is a delicious take on some of the spicy and rich flavors which you can enjoy. The foods which have been created are high in protein and provide a good amount of nutrition because they were created specifically for those who are working long hours in the field every day. The... Continue Reading

New Sagaya's Midtown Market

3700 Old Seward Highway
Anchorage, AK
Get Directions

(907) 561-5173
(907) 561-2042
(800) 764-1001
Our specialties include alaska's largest asian grocery, assorted shell fish, custom packing, deli & gifts, dry ice avail, freshest fish in alaska, king crab, largest variety of exotic fish, live crab, live lobster, meat, meats, prawns, produce, salmon, seafood, seafood gift packs, shrimp and we ship out of state. We can assist you with alaskan seafood, assorted shell fish, custom packing, dry ice avail., fish processing, fresh asian & exotic produce, freshest fish in alaska, gift packs, halibut, harris ranch black angus beef, king crab, live crab, live lobster, meat, produce, deli & gifts, salmon, shrimp and we ship out of state. Gec yours at new sagaya's, locally owned and operated grocer, gourmet & asian groceries, prowns & more. Open for business 7 days a week daily everyday.


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