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Mulier's Market Inc

15215 Kercheval Avenue
Grosse Pointe, MI
Get Directions

(313) 822-7786
(313) 822-6504
Our specialties include choice hanging beef- - amish poultry , custom freezer orders, deli, fine wines, groceries, groceries-produce-fine wines, homemade sausages, meats, mexican foods, poultry & meats, produce, seafood and seafood-deli-mexican foods. We can assist you with choice hanging beef- - amish poultry , choice hanging beef- amish poultry , custom freezer orders, homemade sausages, meats- groceries- produce- fine wines and seafood-deli-mexican foods. Custom freezer orders. Open for business open mon-sat 8 am-6 pm.


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