From Our Blog:
The Top Three Spicy Jamaican Dishes Jamaica is one of the many Islands off of the coast of America which has its own way of doing things. The Jamaican cuisine has been highly influenced by all of the different cultures which have inhabited the island at one point or another. You can see evidence of cuisine from China, Spain, Britain, India and Africa in the food. While the food is known to be spicy as a rule, there are many kinds... Continue Reading |
Santa Monica Farms Jr
2015 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA
(310) 396-4069
(310) 450-9445
Reviews By Kathleen Haworth from Venice,, CA Posted Sep 19, 2010 So very sad you are taking away some of your long time venders whom we travel to use. Can this be re-visited. The Breadman has been serving me and the community for many years.
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