Walter Hawkins Fruit CO
Jacksonville, FL 32207 (904) 398-8601 We accept american express, discover, mastercard and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include ftd and teleflora. Our specialties include plant, dish gardens, fruit, gourmet baskets, special events, wedding, silks, plush animals, balloons and flower. We can assist you with delivery services, flowers and plants. We've been in business since 1955. Reviews By DebbieKeene from Tallahassee, FL Posted Dec 30, 2016 I used to get a special fruit punch from you. My daddy had a store right across the street from you when you were on Phillips Hwy. I would love to know if you still serve the punch I don't know the name of it but it was the best punch in all the world. could you please tell me if you still have it. Share Your Review Please note: all reviews are screened for spam and take 24-48 hours to be approved.